Advanced Technology
Surgical Microscopes
In our office, we use a Zeiss Surgical Microscope. It provides enhanced visualization of the endodontic access or surgical area up to 25 times. This is especially beneficial for accurate visualization of complex anatomy cases, for locating root fractures or defects, for root-end surgery, for removal of separated instruments, and for locating canals.
Digital X-Ray Technology
Dr. Patmore uses only Digital x-ray technology in her office. Digital dental x-rays or radiographs are very important. They allow the dentist to see things about your oral health that cannot be seen by the naked eye. These items include cysts (sacks of fluid that form on the roots of teeth), cancerous and non-cancerous tumors, invisible decay that occurs between teeth, and the location of teeth that have not grown all the way in.
Are Dental X-Rays Safe? Digital dental x-ray equipment is the very safest. We use only state-of-the-art, low radiation machines. By using digital technology, patients are exposed to much lower levels of radiation compared to traditional radiography. The amount of radiation exposure your body receives on an airplane flight from Los Angeles to New York exceeds the amount of exposure you will receive from a modern dental x-ray machine. Contrast this minimal exposure with the risk of not finding an illness until it is too late, and you can see why we prescribe regular diagnostic x-rays.
Digital technology is safe not only for our patients, but also for our community because there are no chemicals or lead wrapper waste to dispose of into the environment.
Apex Locator
A computerized electronic device that indicates where the true apex of the tooth is thereby decreasing the number of x-rays needed. Also, some roots are very difficult to see radiographically.